Red Airship

We help you discover and unleash value by building for what’s next.
© 2023 Red Airship


Building the Future Together: Innovative Co-Creation

Your Digital Innovation Partner

We set ourselves apart from others in our industry with a unique offering where we co-invest to create your digital innovation together with you. This working model merges our technological and digital product know-how with your industry expertise. The result? Co-creating ground-breaking digital innovations that provide a leap in value to your customers and are initiated with optimal capital and a profit-centric approach.

Key Benefits:

  • Born Digital: Red Airship was born in this digital century, we harness innovation thought leadership and digital technology to create value for businesses.

  • Quality Execution: We've built a solid 10-year reputation for superior execution capabilities, proven by testimonials across industries.

  • Humble Collaborations: We prioritize modest, ego-free, learn-together, win-together partnerships, promoting long-term, productive collaboration.

  • Value-People-Technology Mindset: We follow a value-first, people-second, technology-third approach, emphasizing the importance of clear value creation and empowering people through technology.

  • Systematic Process: We engage a systematic process to shape a clear, easily understood strategy for your digital innovation journey.

Your Industry Knowledge + RAS Digital Knowledge = Your Next Digital Value Innovation

Co-creation is not just about digitalisation. It focuses upstream on strategic business alignment and value creation. Unlike the conventional vendor-client model, co-creation establishes a collaborative partnership that mitigates common pain points and risks. It's not just about technology; it's about understanding your innovation needs and challenges and working together to create a digital solution that provides a leap in value to your customers while meeting cost targets.

Co-Creation Model

Value-Centric: We align our technology expertise with your business objectives, focusing on creating a product that enhances customer value and generates profit for the partnership.

Co-Innovation: We combine our expertise with your domain knowledge to co-innovate on digital products that solve problems and drive value innovation.

Minimal Capital: We adopt a low capital model like revenue sharing, profit sharing, and co-ownership of Intellectual Property. This enables businesses, especially SMEs, to leverage our expertise without exorbitant upfront financial risks.

Our co-creation model addresses several key pain points and risks inherent in traditional digital transformation processes:

Trust and Lock-in Fears: Traditional vendor-client relationships often breed mistrust and fear of lock-in, which our co-creation service circumvents with a collaborative approach.

Understanding Challenges: Tech vendors often fail to comprehend the specific challenges and values of the buyer’s industry, resulting in products that miss the mark.

Risk of Venturing: Creating a new digital product is high risk. Our co-creation model shares that risk, making it easier for businesses to take the leap of faith.

Transfer of Traditional Business Models: Buyers often struggle to transition to digital business models without clarity on the business model. We aid in bridging this gap.

Generational Differences: Disparities in mental models of business and organisational culture often create roadblocks in creating digital products. Our co-creation model addresses these disparities, ensuring a smoother transition through tested training programmes and tools to bridge the gap.

Ready to co-create with us? Connect with us today to discuss how we can innovate together.

Let's create the next big thing together
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Get in touch

If you’re interested in working with us, leave us an email at

Alvin Peh

Alvin Peh

Business Development